Build a New Career with Oriflame

Say Hello to Sanjay and Anil

handsome man

Anil - Bank Executive

Sanjay - Oriflame Gold Director

handsome man

Eraning Potential


Social Selling

A Day … 

Sanjay – Oriflame Gold Director

handsome man

A Day … 

Anil – Bank Executive

handsome man

Average time to Reach Gold Director - 18 months

Sanjay – Oriflame Gold Director

Take the business seriously

Disciplined way of working 

Enjoys recognition and qualifies for Events & Conferences along the way

handsome man

Success on the highest level

President team

To full fill your dreams

What is important for you ?

Let your dream be your motivational engine.

handsome man
career with oriflame

Make a decision today, that can change your life forever!

smiley man
Build a new career with oriflame